CI Scoring for Agribusiness

Turn your emissions into income

Unlock new low-carbon revenue opportunities for your agribusiness. Let us know your preferred method of contact and an team member will reach out to start your CI scoring process with a system demo.

Want to know what your emissions are worth? Get started today.

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What's next? An team member will reach out to schedule an introductory conversation to demo our capabilities and discuss your unique opportunities to turn emissions into income.

Carbon intensity scoring in three simple steps

Discovery icon.


Submit contact us and one of the team will reach out to schedule a 30 minute call to explore your unique role in the ag supply chain.

Demo icon.


The incite team will work directly with your key stakeholders to demonstrate how a tailored carbon intensity solutions unlock new revenue streams for your business.

Deliver icon.


A customized carbon intensity dashboard is delivered back to you, putting the power in your hands to to turn emissions, into income.

Unlock Personalized Emissions Insights

Carbon intensity score by emissions category displayed in laptop.

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